GWC, GAM Qatar to Trial Gaussin Electric Tractors and Yard Automation

GWC, GAM Qatar to Trial Gaussin Electric Tractors and Yard Automation

The agreement was signed during the French President's official visit to Qatar

GAUSSIN, a pioneer of clean and smart freight transport, Gam Qatar and GWC, Qatar’s leading logistics and supply chain solutions provider, have established a partnership to test Gaussin’s zero-emission electric tractors and yard automation solutions in several GWC warehouses, including GWC Al Wukair Logistic Park in Qatar.

The agreement was signed during French President Emmanuel Macron’s official visit to Qatar.

Gaussin, Gam Qatar and GWC will conduct a test in Q1 2022 of two Gaussin zero emission tractors, the ATM38T manned and the ATM38T Autonomous equipped with the robotic arm, Gaussin’s unique technology to couple and decouple the truck from the trailer, enabling a complete yard automation process.

The test will be performed at various GWC locations in Qatar including GWC Al Wukair Logistic Park.

Christophe Gaussin, CEO of Gaussin Group said: “By combining our deep knowledge of complex yard and terminal operations with revolutionary robotics algorithms we provide effective solutions to reduce errors, improve safety and productivity.

"Our resources, knowledge of logistics processes, world-class partners, and technological approaches have made us an industry leader in Yard and Terminal automation, and we are glad to test our solution with GWC to measure the efficiency of our system in the context of their operations.”

Al Wukair Logistics Park: Enabling Growth of Qatar's MSME Sector

Ranjeev Menon, Group CEO of GWC siad: “We were one of the first companies in the region to establish a process improvement department consisting of streamlined process engineers, our Six-Sigma professionals worked tirelessly to improve every process in order to make it more sustainable and competitive.

“Our alliance with Gussain - Gam Qatar reflects our commitment to innovate and pioneer in the field of logistics. This partnership aligns with our sustainability goals too."

ATM38T Autonomous with Robotic arm

This vehicle is an introduction in the Middle East of the “shunting process” using 100% Electric and autonomous yard trucks.

The shunting process uses a specific vehicle (yard truck) to move a designated trailer to and from a predetermined location within the yard.

The road truck decouples the tractor in the staging area from the trailer and leaves the logistics center to start another mission. The trailer is then collected by the yard truck and transferred at the quay at the right time providing asset optimization and efficiency.


ATM38T is the only native electric tractor of the market deployed at more than 45 different sites in Europe.

Build from a blank page with the largest logistic and industrial companies, the ATM provides better TCO than diesel and diesel-converted-to-electric tractors thanks to its specific design allowing simplified and reduced maintenance compared to traditional diesel trucks.

The ATM integrates industry exclusive ergonomics and safety features. The proven battery swapping system allows continuous operations without immobilization of the vehicle for charging operations.

Yard Automation

Since 2013, Gaussin has been developing its own Autonomous Driving systems for its electric, self-driving vehicles, and has integrated world class partner systems and software to provide the most efficient turnkey solution for yard and terminal automation.

Gaussin’s Autonomous driving stack includes world-class components that enable fully autonomous operations in mixed traffic within gated areas.

The Yard automation solution that will be deployed will include the latest version of Gaussin Virtual Driver®, Gaussin Fleet Management System and the embedded robotic arm.

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Transport and Logistics ME