Maersk Considers Resumption of Red Sea Operations

Maersk Considers Resumption of Red Sea Operations

Multi-national security initiative Operation Prosperity Guardian (OPG) has now been set up

Maersk has announced that it is resuming operations in the Red Sea. Vessels that were paused in the area are expected to start sailing to and from the Suez Canal soon.

In a statement released yesterday the shipping giant said: "As of Sunday 24 December 2023, we have received confirmation that the previously announced multi-national security initiative Operation Prosperity Guardian (OPG) has now been set up and deployed to allow maritime commerce to pass through the Red Sea / Gulf of Aden and once again return to using the Suez Canal as a gateway between Asia and Europe."

Last week Maersk had announced the rerouting of various vessels around the Cape of Good Hope.

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With assurances received from US and other actors executing Operation Prosperity Guardian (OPG) to protect shipping, particularly in and around the narrow pass of the Bab el-Mandeb strait, shipping lines are slowly gaining confidence in the security arrangements along the Suez Canal route.

With the OPG now fully operational Maersk is working on sending out the first vessels as soon as possible. Although it is still assessing the risks.

The company's statement further added: “Although security measures are in place to enable the transit of the Red Sea/Gulf of Aden for our vessels, the overall risk in the area is not eliminated at this stage.

"Maersk will not hesitate to re-evaluate the situation and once again initiate diversion plans if we deem it necessary for the safety of our seafarers."

Read More: Shipping Rates Climb as Red Sea Disruptions Continue

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