INTTRA now used by all of the world’s top 10 shipping lines

INTTRA now used by all of the world’s top 10 shipping lines

INTTRA is the largest neutral electronic transaction platform, software and information provider at the centre of the world’s ocean shipping industry.

The continuing growth of INTTRA's carrier network signals the rapid adoption of digitalisation across the industry. More than 60 carriers are now INTTRA customers.

The latest shipping giant to join the platform is Evergreen Marine Corporation bringing all the top 10 shipping lines of the world on to its digital platform.

John Fay, CEO of INTTRA: "Last year was tremendous for INTTRA, with container orders growing by 12%, and the company processing 45 million container orders on its platform. Our network growth, both in transaction volume and in participants, means we are no longer approaching the digital tipping point, the digital tipping point has arrived."

Inna Kuznetsova, president and COO, INTTRA: “Carriers joining INTTRA benefit by providing a great customer experience to shippers and by attracting more business as a result. Shippers benefit as they can book and trace containers from multiple carriers in a standard manner and through a single connection, reducing costs and errors."

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