DP World Komatipoort Handles its First Transit Import via Maputo

DP World Komatipoort Handles its First Transit Import via Maputo

Its bonded container depot is a ‘game changer’ for the Maputo corridor

DP World, a leading global enabler of end to end trade solutions, has successfully completed the first transit import via DP World Maputo port to DP World Komatipoort, South Africa.

Christian Roeder, Chief Executive Officer at DP World Maputo said: “The Komatipoort facility as a bonded container depot is a ‘game changer’ for the Maputo corridor.

"The success of the trial brings DP World a step closer to enabling a more cost effective, seamless and efficient user experience for our local customers and enhances trade linkages for countries in the Southern African region.”

This is a significant milestone for DP World as it demonstrates that the Maputo Port can be seamlessly used as a gateway to South Africa using DP World Komatipoort.

International container imports landed in Maputo port and destined for the South African hinterland, can now be moved under bond to Komatipoort, where full customs clearance can be provided and made ready for delivery across South Africa.

Currently in South Africa, 69% of maritime imports are via the Port of Durban.

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Once a shipment is retrieved at the DP World Maputo port, the organisation handles the entire supply chain process from there to Komatipoort, without delay, and beyond to various areas in the hinterland.

While the cost of this service varies per user, the service is estimated to be equivalent in costs or cheaper compared to traditional routing via Durban. However, it is more efficient – especially for those staying in the northern area of the country.

For example, a Johannesburg company importing goods from Singapore may choose to direct their shipment to Maputo.

The shipment is offloaded in Maputo on schedule with no delays.

DP World Maputo provides Mozambique transit clearance and container transport to Komatipoort, where the customer agent provides final clearance for South Africa.

DP World then sends the goods by road to Gauteng for rapid delivery to its destination.

Read More: DP World Expands e-Commerce Platform to Promote Global Trade

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