Bollore Signs Up to Cargo Wise

Bollore Signs Up to Cargo Wise

Logistics giant rolls-out new system across platform

Bolloré Logistics has announced it has signed up to use WiseTech Global’s CargoWise One digital platform across the whole of its business.

The roll out is set to be complete by May, 2019.

According to reports, systems will be used for freight forwarding, customs clearance, warehousing, shipping, tracking, land transport, e-commerce, and cross-border compliance.

Bolloré Logistics chief executive Thierry Ehrenbogen said: “We have chosen the CargoWise One single platform software solution which fully responds to
our needs and ambitions.

“This new tool will gradually replace all of our existing TMS software.

“It will also enable communication with the solutions we currently have in place like DMP, Concerto and Link.”

Richard White, founder and chief executive of WiseTech Global, said: “The powerful, deeply integrated CargoWise One platform is designed with a global schema and
aims at boosting the overall productivity through electronic integration, cost reduction, digitisation and deep automation capabilities.

“We are pleased to have Bolloré Logistics roll out CargoWise One globally over the coming years to strengthen their competitiveness in a complex and constantly evolving industry.”

Read more: Etihad Cargo Hails New Era of Digital Cargo Management

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