Smart Transport

Exclusive Video: Daimler Trucks Securing Transport in Time of Crisis

TLME News Service

President & CEO of Daimler Commercial Vehicles MENA, Kay-Wolf Ahlden talks about how his company is helping to move people and goods across the region safely and efficiently following the strictest COVID-19 safety protocols.

In this time of crisis, movement of goods, food and medicines depends on reliable transport.

We see how Daimler's partners are deploying safety measures to keep their trucks safe and sanitized for drivers, passengers and cargo handlers across the UAE in operations as diverse as movement of frontline workers, post and parcel services to waste management.

Mr Ahlden also emphasizes on the importance of people during this crisis and how Daimler personnel are innovating and adapting to meet the current challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Read More: Daimler Innovates & Aids During Coronavirus Pandemic