Smart Technology

Watch: BoxBay Chief on Upcoming TLME Future-Proof Technologies Conference

TLME News Service

Mathias Dobner is Chairman of BoxBay the new and innovative highbay storage system for ports and terminals that is revolutionising container handling and storage.

Mr Dobner has confirmed as speaker for the TLME's upcoming Future-Proof Technologies Conference to be held in Dubai on the 13th of December, 2023.

During the conference, event host Lars Jensen will ask the tough questions to Dr Dobner regarding BOXBAY and its implementation, as well as open the conversation out to the floor so attendees can ask questions on the revolutionary new design.

In this video Mr Dobner describes some the topics to be discussed at the conference including fast, smart and automated technologies for port and terminal operations making a "perfect setting" for BoxBay to highlight its cutting-edge technologies and benefits of using this advanced container management system.

During the Future-Proof Technologies Conference Mr Dobner hope to interact with and learn from other out-of-the-box thinkers in the transport and logistics technology industries.

Read More: TLME Confirms BOXBAY Lead Dr. Dobner for Upcoming Conference