Global News

Dubai Giants Launch Second COVID Response Video

TLME News Service

Leading figures of the Dubai Supply Chain have joined together with TLME to create a video outlining how we as an industry need to stand strong and take responsibility in order to heal our communities, businesses and regions.

The video is a sequel to the highly successful 'Heroes of the Pandemic' TLME put out at the beginning of the global coronavirus pandemic.

While the first video struck a poignant note regarding the brave and often unheralded supply chain workers who work day and night to ensure food, pharmaceuticals and medical equipment get to the people who need them, the second video strikes a more inspiring note.

Watch: Heroes of the Pandemic

In the latest video, leaders from huge names in the supply chain such as DP World, Maersk, Dubai Airports, DHL, ENOC and Dubai South emphasise how we must all do our bit to help the world recover.

If we do this collectively, the video shows us how we can return to our former strength and even go one step further.